As the name implies, this “package” form of insurance provides coverage for your owner-occupied home on a replacement cost basis. In other words, we insure your home and if it gets damaged because of a reason that your homeowners’ policy covers (example: fire), we will rebuild and/or replace your property up to the amount of insurance that you select. This includes:
- Your house (physical structure);
- Other structures on your property (garage, tool shed, pool, etc.)
- Your personal belongings (furniture, clothing, etc.) up to policy limits
- Extra living expenses (ex: cost of rental apartment) you might incur as a result of a covered loss.
- Your liability (legal responsibilities) for injuries and/or property damage you may cause to other people (subject to policy limitations).
Many causes of loss are covered, such as:
- Fire
- Lightning
- Smoke
- Explosion
- Wind-storm or hail
- Weight of ice/snow/sleet
- Freezing
- Vandalism
- Theft
- Sudden and accidental damage from electrical currents.
Coverage amounts on your home and personal property automatically increase to keep pace with inflation.
You can also purchase additional insurance coverages that can provide:
- Increased coverage limits for your property and liability coverage
- Special coverage for your high-value items (jewelry, watches, artwork, musical instruments, etc.)
- Replacement cost coverage for personal property.